mineral|minerals in English


[min·er·al || 'mɪnərəl]

natural substance belonging to a group of inorganic (often crystalline) compounds which are found in the earth, that which is not animal or vegetable

Use "mineral|minerals" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "mineral|minerals" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "mineral|minerals", or refer to the context using the word "mineral|minerals" in the English Dictionary.

1. Chemical products, minerals, mineral salts, mineral acids, metal oxides, cement aggregates

2. Minerals and mineral solutions, sunscreen preparations, preservatives, acupuncture gel

3. Saline alluvium, in particular of minerals and/or mineral salts

4. Antigorite is a mineral belonging to the serpentine group of minerals

5. Aquench Mineral water contains imported minerals which keeps your body healthy

6. Peloid saline alluvium, in particular of minerals and/or mineral salts

7. “Amphibole” refers not to a single mineral, but to a group of minerals

8. Most mineral deposits, both hard rock and alluvial, contain some magnetic minerals (primarily magnetite).

9. Autunite is a radioactive orthorhombic mineral which results from the hydrothermal alteration of uranium minerals

10. Mineral waters in Balneology are rich with minerals such as silica, sulfur, selenium and radium.

11. Autunite is a radioactive orthorhombic mineral which results from the hydrothermal alteration of uranium minerals

12. Brucite may form as a standalone mineral, but it can also form as layers within minerals of the chlorite group and clay minerals such as …

13. Andradite Garnet Brown Rhombic Dodecahedral Raw Unpolished Crystal Cluster Mineral Specimen Mali Rocks and Minerals PhenomenalGems

14. Calcite (CaCO 3), a carbonate mineral, is one of the major gangue minerals in Bastnaesite deposits [ 14 ]

15. Chrysoberyl is a beryllium aluminium oxide mineral that belongs to the oxide and hydroxide class of minerals

16. Chrysoberyl is a beryllium aluminium oxide mineral that belongs to the oxide and hydroxide class of minerals

17. Mining Activity whose purpose is the extraction, concentration, and smelting of economic minerals from a mineral deposit.

18. Secondary mineral precipitation is largely controlled by distribution of acid-neutralizing minerals, such as carbonates and aluminosilicates.

19. Augite is a mineral from the pyroxene group, a collection of minerals that form as magma is cooling

20. In addition, metals adsorbed on clay minerals are more readily leached than metals inherent in the clay mineral.

21. Demantoid is the green gemstone variety of the mineral Andradite, a member of the garnet group of minerals

22. 1.5 cm Bohmite specimen from Saga , Norway.F2 online mineral store rare mineral specimen rare mineral specimens systematicminerals.com systematic minerals painite taaffeite tanzanite antlerite silver gold libethenite sulfur realgar adamite hemimorphite jarosite Cougar mine barite acanthite sperrylite

23. The mineral Cummingtonite, is basically the middle member of the Cummingtonite Series, which include the minerals grunerite and magnesioCummingtonite

24. The minerals are carried by the drainage basin to the mouth, and may accumulate there, disturbing the natural mineral balance.

25. Because of Biotite's abundance, its presence is usually lacking in collections except for it being an accessory mineral to other minerals.